Sunday 26 April 2009

Chocolate Crispy Cakes!

So, earlier I made some chocolate crispy cakes to take to the show, for the cast to nibble on when running back and forth for costume changes. They were Easter ones, I went to Jim's British supermarket here in Saint-Genis to get the Cadbury's mini eggs. I know it's a little late for Easter, but hey, we spent all our time in the theatre then!

For no particular reason, I took some pictures, as I was making them I was thinking about what I could write in a blog post. I had looked up some recipes for this, to get an idea of quantities and decided to write up how I did mine!

I used normal chocolate, 150g in a glass bowl and shoved in the microwave for 2 minutes before pouring rice krispies over and stirring them in until they were all covered, and just kept adding more in small amounts - till it looked about right. Then spooned it all out into cases, adding 2 eggs as I went.

I decided I didn't have that many, so put the first lot in the freezer and made a second batch. Ran out of mini eggs, so resorted to the ones I had left over that Mum gave me when I was last home. And again, left them in the freezer as I thought they wouldn't harden up enough in the fridge for a short amount of time.

Then realised they were too solid so left them all out on the top to soften them up a bit before throwing them into boxes and running out to go to the theatre!

The final number I made...

Had some lovely thank-yous, especially from the ladies chorus who had them, so I'm really glad I did make them. Took me about an hour in total, or less, I don't really know. Was fun, and as I still have chocolate left and rice krispies I might make some more cakes for my friends at work, because, why not eh?

Just going to add some more Chess pics onto facebook. We have the after-show party tomorrow too, and after that, I hope to stay in touch with some of them. More trips (as last Tuesday) to the pub and karaoke bar are needed!

Friday 17 April 2009

First Show Night

is tonight! Woohoo!

After all these rehearsals in the theatre, slowly adding more costumes and sorting out the lights, well, it's strange that it's now show night! I have some pictures from backstage which I'll post to facebook now, and I'll take some more too over the show nights.

Last night everyone watching said it was really good, much better than we'd done before, and somehow it had all come together really well. Which is great to hear.

I hope my friends from work who are coming to watch it tonight enjoy it too.

On with the show! Yay!

Monday 13 April 2009

Just a quick note

The wallets and purses were found in the theatre where they'd been thrown into one of the toilets. Lovely.

Finally got back to the police station in Nyon yesterday after rehearsals (remember, I'm car sharing, so we couldn't go before as the others had stuff to do it being Easter and all) and got my stuff back.

Chopped up all the credit/debit cards that had already been cancelled, and got back all my ID things, in a perfect state, despite being still wet (as they'd just put everything into a plastic bag and not let it dry out). So, gave everything a wash, and my wallet is drying out nicely. Only annoying thing is my Moroccan purse, bleeding red dye which isn't good, and stinks of that cleaning stuff you use to clear up sick. Will be throwing it away most likely as it's not getting rid of that smell..

Got everything back though, so it's all fine. I realised only last night, my student ID was in my other purse here anyway, so I didn't lose it in the first place. I'd also forgotten my 1/2 price Swiss train card - has my photo on anyway - that I'm very glad I got back.

...that's all folks!

Thursday 9 April 2009

Yesterday at the theatre

My wallet and purse got nicked out my bag in the downstairs dressing room, first night in the theatre! Not just me either, 3 other people got done too.

Really, I'm more philosophical than I would have thought before - ok, despite waking up at 3.30 and unable to sleep for hours because I was so tense and stressed. I could have done without the hour in the police station too so late at night, but they were really nice about it. Meant I parked outside my building overnight instead of someone else's private space by the road, or my underground garage - I was too tired and didn't want to hit my car, and got a 35 euro fine at 9am this morning for the pleasure of it.

Now, overall, it's ok. I won't see that cash again, but they found all the wallets thrown into the toilets (in the theatre by the dressing rooms, we'd checked, so I'm guessing some other ones nearby on the college grounds or something). So, despite all my bank cards being cancelled this morning before I heard about that, my driving license and Swiss and French cards have been recovered at least, which is 20 quid and hassle saved.

Assuming they're in ok condition; the wallets/purses were described as being in a 'bad state' so I'm guessing I won't be using them again and just throwing them out. My small purse I bought in Morocco I'm a bit miffed about, I mean, it cost 4 euros but I thought it was cute; the main wallet I'm not bothered so much about.

I'll just have to go to Marrakesh again to buy another! It could have been so much worse; they didn't take my car keys, phone or the bag itself for instance. As Susan said in an email earlier about this to the rest of the cast, it was certainly a lesson. And my handbag is so light! It's amazing how heavy it was before in comparison. It won't be going with me to the theatre again though, that's for sure.