So, I actually dressed up and went out last weekend... There was an early Halloween party because the club was actually closing down last Saturday, so they decided to go out with a bang. I looked up some cool YouTube make-up tutorials and then kinda did my own version of for a Voodoo Doll and Steph had her vampire fangs. I just realised, she posted the photo of both of us on Facebook and I don't have a copy yet, so here's me;
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Voodoo Doll~~ |
I certainly loved this outfit and make up! I'll be doing this again~ It made lots of people do double-takes as we walked around Hongdae, especially being a week in advance, but it was cool to get such a good reception from it :D
In other news; I had mid-term exams this week on Wednesday and yesterday, then we had our results today. I'm very glad I found out today instead of beforehand that these grades are actually worth 40% of my grade at the end of the semester, because I tried not to get too stressed out over them, and that would have probably made me panic. We did preparation in class but I can't say that I did any revision outside of that or doing the normal daily homework...
Everything was marked so that reading, writing, speaking and listening were each marked out of 100. The speaking test was certainly the one I was worried most about, and luckily was first and out of the way quickly. I was unsurprised that it was my worst grade but I still scored 80/100. I really drop all particle endings on everything... She said that I could have slowed down a bit instead of trying to speak too fast and that I was nervous.
In the writing test, I made two more small mistakes with particles (dammit!) that lost me partial points and then... three easy-ish questions I managed to totally mess up with really silly mistakes which cost me more points. They had been worth 3 marks each even though it was only one sentence as an answer, so that was a bit frustrating. Plus, the mistakes were so blindingly stupid when I looked back at it today, that I wanted to smack my past-self for being so dumb... In the end, my score was 89.8/100.
The listening test I found very straight forward. I was pretty happy with it, after we had done a practice one in class so I remember feeling happy enough that I did well on it. I can't quite remember what the mistake was now; I only got one question wrong, but it was worth 4 marks so it came out as 96/100. Oh! Wait, yeah, it was a pretty confusing question, we did discuss it today - it was one where we just got given a sentence and had 4 possible answers to choose from and it had just completely confused me with the more polite honorific form that I'm not as comfortable with. I think most, if not all of us, got that one wrong because it was the first one we asked her to explain!!
Lastly, the reading test! This was split into two parts, one being reading aloud, worth 10 marks. We had our reading teacher and we randomly picked paper to find out which two short pieces we had to read. This wasn't too bad because it was the ones from the reading book we've been studying, though we had to do it in class in front of each other so I think initially we were all a bit more nervous. It was fine once we started though, because no-one messed up particularly and we're used to reading aloud in class anyway. For that, I scored 8.2/10. The main reading test was scored out of 90 to make up the reading total and.... I scored 90! Yep - full marks!! Have to say I was pretty damn pleased about that one! There had been two questions I wasn't particularly sure on but somehow... I got everything right. I don't think I've ever scored full marks on a test before??!
The last thing that makes up a grade is our attendance and class participation, including that we do our homework too. This is worth 20% of the overall grade at the end, with 80% split between mid-terms and finals. I think that's a bit much? 10% is still surely a high enough percentage to be relevant but, oh well... For now, I got 98/100 because including the first class this morning, I've missed 2 hours of classes so far. Yes, I'm kind-of annoyed at myself for missing two, but I am trying hard not to miss any more if I can.
In summary:
말하기/Speaking = 80
듣기/Listening = 96
쓰기/Writing = 89.8
읽기/Reading = 98.2
which gives me 91% for my mid-terms overall~
So, I'm pretty happy with my results and I'm actually relieved they're worth as much as they are (40%!) because I know already that final exams are going to be much more difficult - and this is a solid step towards that final grade! :)
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