Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Stuff to make my car a happier soul.

The list kept getting bigger.

1. Winter Tyres; especially as I'm now running on the spare of my summer ones and the other back tyre could go any time too, after the blow-out on the way to work this morning. I changed a tyre!! woo go me! I'm glad I had help though, as I wasn't strong enough to get the actual bolts undone but at least I knew what I was doing! ^_^

2. New wipers; the squeaking gets annoying, and it rains more these days.

3. Water + wash-stuff for said wipers.

4. Check the 'minor oil leak' isn't going to take out the engine or something. Stitch in time and all that..

5. there was something else. but I've forgotten. probably crucial.

6. Better spacial awareness; very nearly went into a Merc earlier - I'm talking centimetres - (reversing out the full car park and it wasn't in a proper space..) and took me ages to parrallel park as I haven't practised it from the wrong side of the car apart from my pathetic attempt earlier.

Least it's not too expensive, apart from the tires, obviously. Petrol cost me 48 CHF for 28 litres earlier! - Mum, it's around 85p/litre here now, especially if you know where to go..

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